Experience with small to large scale organizations
Implemented and support a GPU cluster compute infrastructure, centralized analytics platform, 1VOT database solution for automated customer and ML data ingestion, and a secure MFA dashboard portal for customer access.
Implemented a series of JupyterLab and R Studio IDE proof of concepts for analytic end-users to genrate fast analysis prototyping for a common centralized analysis platform. We convered two legacy applications in a few months of time.
Implemented and Open-Source analysis environment after a head to head comparison of Python and R to replace an expesive SAS system. e2e recommended Python was recommended and helped achive a 3M+ per year.
Managed the convertion all business process “Excel Spreadsheet Engineering”. We developed a processs automation model using R scripting to perform data processing and validation. Integrated R-Shiny for realtime visualizations.
Designed, developed and implemented an IL4 ATU AWS Gov Cloud Platform for AFRL. Developed USAF Tech Connect Platform that included website intake, CRM, ETL, Job Board and end to end visualizations for 10,000+ users.